Bulbs in public green spaces
We have seen a growing interest over the years in the use of flower bulbs in public green spaces. Flower bulbs bring us the first colours after winter and provide that spring feeling so many people long for after the cold, dark months. In fact, no other type of planting gives splendour to beds, parks, verges and lawns in spring with such a diverse array of colours and shapes. In addition to bringing colour, variety and cheerfulness, flower bulbs also play an increasingly important role in encouraging biodiversity. By using the right species, they can provide food for butterflies and bees. The flowering period of bulbs can play a crucial role here, given there are hardly any other crops that are a source of food for these insects that early in the year.
Our aim at CSW Landscaping is to respond in various ways to the growing demand for flower bulbs for use in public green spaces. This starts with the composition of our range. While we have a wide selection of tulips and daffodils, CSW Landscaping also spends a lot of time and care selecting our range of special bulb and tuber flowers. Many species in this group are highly suitable for use in public green spaces because of their ability to flower for several years in a row and the possibility to plant them mechanically.

Daarnaast bieden wij speciaal samengestelde mengsels aan. Deze mengsels kunnen samengesteld zijn uit soorten die vrijwel gelijktijdig bloeien om een “wow-effect” te creëren maar ze worden ook vaak zo samengesteld om de bloeiperiode van uw project te verlengen.
Het planten van mengsels onder gras zorgt voor fleurige en kleurige bermen en perken! Met onze speciale plantmachine voor het planten van bollen onder gras, en de mensen met de expertise, maken wij uw beplantingsplan tot een kleurrijk succes! Neem voor vrijblijvend advies gerust contact op met één van onze medewerkers.